So I've arrived. The journey here took me through a few unexpected turns and delays; I ended up in Burundi instead of Rwanda at first. But it all adds to the adventure. Anyways, I've been in Rwanda now for four days, and I think I've settled in a bit. This must be the most beautiful country in Africa. The landscape is stunning. Foggy volcanoes and mountains loom over, clouded and hidden at the top. These mountains are the last place on earth where you can find gorillas

. There are colors everywhere. Lush green farms and forest, and brights reds and blues and yellows that go with traditional African dress. The place is captivating; there is an aura of mystery and detachment and struggle and joy, all together. People here are always going, albeit at a much slower pace than the rest of us in America (while managing to be at least as productive, in their own way). They cannot afford to stop and sit. There is water to fetch, crops to carry, food to prepare, football to play. And they take joy in each task. I've never seen so many beautiful people in one place. There is something about their comings-and-goings, mixed with contagious smiles, that leaves me content, as a visitor, to just sit and watch them pass. They are more hospitable than any people I have met. You couldn't possibly sit and watch and imagine the atrocities that have happened here so recently. Perhaps the people are bound by their former sufferings. They are reconciled to rebuild and serve one another, and their humility is remarkable. I know that this is like no other place on earth.
Right now, I am in a town called Ruhengeri, in Northern Rwanda close to the Uganda border. There are several Americans here, working or traveling. So there are people to share with. I think I will make this my base in Rwanda, in between traveling around to work projects. I have been offered a small house (or hut) in the bush outside of town, and I'm going to go check that out today as well. Anyways, there are bikes to ride and things to organize; work starts now. I'll be back to write as soon as I can. peace & love.
Hey, glad to hear you arrived safely. Sounds like the adventure is truly captivating thus far and you are taking it all in. I have been anxiously awaiting your first post and I was not disappointed in its content. I almost feel I can live the adventure through you!!! Cannot wait to read what comes next. Stay safe, Love, Aunt Nancy
ReplyDeleteI am happy to hear that you sound content with your decision to take on this great adventure. How was the hut you were offered? The country sounds absolutely beautiful and the pulse of its people seems to be very upbeat. I think you have so much to experience. I know that your heart will be touched. Love you. Mom