Friday, September 24, 2010

Community Development..

As you can probably see, things have been pretty busy around here.. Contrast this with my last post about Americans. I'm a hypocrite.

(more below)

To make up for my absence the past couple of weeks, please check out David Lansing's blog @ If you trace the posts back to mid-August (, you'll be able to read about a few of the places I've been hopping around in Kenya. David's blog tells about a few of the key conservation players in this country and should help sort out the web of conservation issues and interests here, also how they play into the web of political organization (which is formidable). Since I've been here, I've been meeting some of these people, listening in on conversations and visiting different areas to learn about the conservation models and challenges. David talks a lot about the Cottars family legacy and safari camp, which is right where I've been working and staying. David had an interesting journey to Samburu and Marsabit a few weeks ago, with Calvin Cottar leading. That region of Northern Kenya is truly a frontier - Somali bandits, warrior cultures, volcanic and desert landscapes. When you walk into a bar up there, you feel like Obi Wan walking into Mos Eisley cantina to meet Han Solo (in other words, there are weapons everywhere and everyone stares). Anyways, back from the nerd Star Wars allusion, if you read into David's journey, you'll get a feel for a few conservation issues and many of the fascinating stories connected to the Cottars family and left over from the colonial era.

Peace & Love.

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